
Is the Quality of Fruits in the Market Responding to the Minimum Requirements of the QS of EU?

Klik : 604_99

Keywords: Quality, peaches, pears, apples, apricots,
In this paper the data collected from three Italian mega stores of Viterbo
(Rome area) from different types of fruit (peaches, apricots, apples and pears)
purchased twice in the same season are presented. Fruit quality was compared to the
minimum EU quality standard requirements. The fruits were kept in a laboratory
simulating the usual conditions in the market. All fruit met the EU quality standards
only for size. Not all the fruit met the UE quality standards related to the category
assigned from the mega store, for freshness, appearance, shape, integrity, and colour
uniformity. Only apples in one mega store responded to all the EU quality standards.
No relationship existed between the assigned category, the quality and the price of the
product. Since fruits were kept in non-refrigerated bulk display, the recorded
temperature varied between 20-25°C with R.H. varying from 40 to 50%. The
conditions during simulated laboratory storage were 20°C and 65% R.H. despite
these better thermohygrometric conditions, in terms of firmness and overall quality,
fruit quality decreased in 8 hours, from the morning to the evening. Apples and
pears lost firmness quickly during the day especially during the first purchase.


jurnal ” Quality Perception: Multiple Attributes – Single Acceptance “

Quality Perception: Multiple Attributes – Single Acceptance

 Klik : http://www.actahort.org/members/showpdf?booknrarnr=604_15

Klik    : quality perception multiple attributes single acceptance

Can we perceive quality? Do we have a sense to distinguish good from bad
quality? Being educated or not, everybody has an imagination of good or bad of almost
everything in his environment. As long as a minimum of attention and involvement is
exerted to an object, a feeling of pleasantness or unpleasantness is almost simultaneously
present. Even more than optical or acoustic signals the experience of odours and flavours
lead almost inevitably to an affective tone. We hardly can imagine eating a food without
knowing instantly if we like it or not. And when we ask someone, how a food tastes, we
expect and will receive the answer “good” or “not good” rather than “sweetish”, “salty”
or like something else.
Many of these quality experiences are well memorised, and we almost have the
impression, even before we envision the details of an object or event in the past, we have
a notion whether it was good or bad. But things can change. What was pleasant yesterday
must not be felt as pleasant today. Especially in case of food we might have eaten too
much of a specific item or consumed it too frequently. In addition, there is also a
cognitive side of quality assessment. Food scandals, information on improper production
methods or ethical considerations may affect the quality judgement. Product image
associations, the price of a product or the availability of alternatives are examples for
quality cues, too.
More and more these contextual, “external” attributes came into the focus of
quality researchers, as important for quality evaluation and were denominated as extrinsic
properties, as opposed to intrinsic properties, which refer to the attributes, physically
belonging to and being verifiable in the product item itself. Those attributes, detectable in
the product were the objects of the traditional quality research. Amongst the plenty of
product properties often attributes were selected as quality criteria based on their
measurability, accuracy and precision rather then a verified relevance for acceptability
(Shewfelt, 2000) thus contributing to consumer oriented quality.
Attributes of products are the elements, which are perceived through the senses of
sight, smell touch, taste and hearing. Thus they are the first step from product itself to a
recognised item. Widely accepted, the definition of sensory evaluation is: evoking,
measuring, analysing and interpreting human responses to those perceived sensations
(Stone and Sidel, 1993). This definition was valid also in the early beginning of sensory
investigations in the 19th century. But the focus was on the product (stimulus) side, rather
than the response side in terms of complex food or consumer matters. The starting point
was detecting the amount of a physical stimulus to be perceivable and, when further
increased, to be perceivably different. Fechner introduced these “just noticeable
differences” as a unit of measurement, which allowed to construct a relationship between
a stimulus and the sensory intensity. With his book “Elemente der Psychophysik” from
1860 he laid a foundation stone for sensory science and was among the first experimental
psychologists at all.
From stimulus to sensation
The new science: psychophysics established the functional relationships for
various stimuli and the intensities of the sensations. Fechner developed a relationship,
built on the constant just noticeable differences, used as a unit for expressing the
Proc. Int. Conf. Quality in Chains
Eds. Tijskens & Vollebregt
Acta Hort. 604, ISHS 2003


Selamat Kepada ” PRISMA FP UB Panen Presatsi di Tingkat Nasional ”


PRISMA FP UB Panen Presatsi di Tingkat Nasional

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Dikirim oleh humas3 pada 07 Desember 2012 | Komentar : 0 | Dilihat : 100

Tim PRISMA UB Pusat Riset dan kajian Ilmiah Mahasiswa (PRISMA) Fakultas Pertanian Universitas (FP) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) ini panen prestasi padal Sabtu (24/11). Ada tiga tim kepenulisan yang lolos final dan berlaga di LKTIN pada hari yang sama di dua universitas yang berbeda.
Dua tim yang maju ke grand final karya tulis Festa 33 IPB diwakili oleh 6 mahasiswa FP, (tim UB 1) Ronny,  Yasi dan Ria Febri,  (tim UB 2) Mahindra, Ike dan Moch. Iqbal  serta satu tim lainnya dalam final Paper competition FT-UI oleh Anisa dan Army Ditha. Piala kemenangan pun berhasil diboyong oleh tiga tim tersebut.
Dalam ajang karya tulis tingkat mahasiswa Himagron-IPB, Tim UB 1 berhasil mengungguli mahasiswa kedokteran (ilmu gizi) UNS yang notabene lebih menguasai masalah gizi pangan. Berbekal karya tulis, produk SERE-Manggo “Sereal Mangga Tropika”, tim ini berhasil menjadi top winners disusul dengan runner up tim UNS dengan Pepes (Pepaya Es Krim) nya dan juara ketiga di raih oleh tim UB 2 dengan System Of Mangosteen Kingdom serta harapan satu yang diraih oleh tim UNY dengan Nata de Eugenia aguea. Selain ajang presentasi, juga terdapat penilaian poster dan tim UB 1 kembali meraih juara terbaiknya.
Sementara itu, tim yang berhasil lolos paper competition di FT UI juga memperoleh juara kedua menambah  jajaran prestasi Prisma FP UB di tingkat nasional pada hari itu. Dengan prestasi ini PRISMA FP UB turut mengharumkan nama Universitas Brawijaya di kancah Nasional setelah beberapa waktu yang lalu meraih juara umum PIMNAS 25.

Diliput Laptop Si Unyil

Pada Senin, (26/11) PRISMA kembali mengukir prestasi. Karya mahasiswa FP UB dalam bidang PKMK yang sukses didanai Dikti pada tahun 2010  yang lalu di liput oleh lembaga stasiun TV swasta, Trans 7. Liputan ini di laksanakan oleh kerjasama tim PKMK “Ice Cream Yobung” yang terdiri dari 3 mahasiswa FP UB Qoyimah, Ria Febri, Adityani dan Mahasiswa Fapet UB Muh. Muklas. Liputan dilaksanakan di Rumah Yoghurt-Batu dan hasil liputan ini telah tayang pada tanggal Kamis ( 29/11) pukul 13.00 WIB dalam acara Laptop si Unyil. [rfs/rian]


Daftar Laporan Magang Kerja 2009 Soial Ekonomi

Laporan Magang Kerja Angkatan 2009
Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian/ monat komunikasi dan Perberdayaan
Fakultas Pertanian UB
NO Nama NIM Tgl Penyerahan Judul Magang Kerja Pembimbing
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MK-SE-2012-02 Nita Anggraini Putri 0919449296 30 november 2012 Pelaksanaan kemitraan antara PT Pertani(persero) cabang pemasaran Malang dengan Peatni Mitra Prof Dr Ir Kliwon Hidayat MS
MK-SE-2012-03 Mei Duwi Lestari Ningsih 0910440130 3 desember 2012 Manajemen perencanaan panen dan pasca panen sawi organik di kurnia kitri ayu farm malang Dwi Retno Andriani SP MP
MK-SE-2012-04 Vita Permatasari 0910440212 3 desember 2012 Manajemen pemasaran sawi(Brassica juncea) Organik di usaha tani kurnia kitri ayu farm Riyanti Isaskar SP MO
MK-SE-2012-05 Nur Ocvanny amir 0910440156 3 desember 2012 Pengawasan mutu produksi kopi bubuk pada pusat penelitian kopi dan kakao indonesia(PPKKI) kabupaten jember jawa timur Prof Dr Ir Budi Setiawan MS
MK-SE-2012-06 Heppy Patimatuz Zahrok 0910440091 3 desember 2012 Perencanaan kapasitas produksi kopi robusta(Coffea  carnephora) di PTPN XII(persero) kebun bangelan kecamatan wonosari kabupaten malang jawatimur Silvana Maulidah SP MP
MK-SE-2012-07 Ganik Daniarti 0910440087 3 desember 2012 Manajemen tenaga kerja  harian lepas atau borongan  Di PT PTPN XII(persero) kebun bangelan kecamatan wonosari kabupaten malang jawatimur Retno Andriani SP MP
MK-SE-2012-08 Ilmiatuz Zahro 0910440102 3 desember 2012 manajemen pengolahan pascapanen kopi robusta(Coffea  carnephora) di PTPN XII(persero) kebun bangelan kecamatan wonosari kabupaten malang jawatimur Dina Novia P SP Msi
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MK-SE-2012-13 Dianita Mey Ratnasari 0910440051 3 desember 2012 Manajemen persediaan bahan baku lidah buaya untuk pembuatan minuman aloe vera di PT Keong Nusantara Abadi kediri jatim Riyanti Isaskar SP MO
MK-SE-2012-14 Ayuda Werti 0910440034 5 Desember 2012 Penjadwalan proses produksi kopi robusta(Coffee Robusta L.) di PTPN XII(persero) kebun bangelan kabupaten malang jatim Wisnu Ari Gutama SP MMA
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MK-SE-2012-18 Himawan 0910440093 6 Desember 2012 Manajemen pemasaran komoditas ape (malus sylvestris Mill) di kebun Benih Hortikultura nongkojajar  UPT Pengembangan Benih Hortikultura Pasuruan Silvana Maulidah SP MP
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MK-SE-2012-21 Chalimatus Sa’diyah 0910440040 6 Desember 2012 Pengawasan dalam menentukan kualitas produkdi the hitam pada perkebunan surangga PT Perkasa Nusaguna, sukabumi Retno Andriani SP MP
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MK-SE-2012-24 Devi Dwi Sukmawati 0910441009 7 Desember 2012 Manajemen rantai pasok bunga potong pad PT Wahana Kharisma Flora desa tungrejo kecamatan bumiaji batu Dr Ir Abdul Wahib Muhaimin
MK-SE-2012-25 Neneng Mardiyanti 0910440151 7 Desember 2012 Segmentasi pasar dan bauran pemasaran cokelat VICCO produksi pusat penelitian kopi dan kakao (studi kasus Pusat penelitian kopi dan kakao indonesia ) Wisnu Ari Gutama SP MMA
MK-SE-2012-26 Abidatul Khusna 0910440106 7 Desember 2012 Proses budidaya dan pascapanen kopi robusta(Coffea robusta L.) hingga menjadi kopi pasar(Ose) Di PTPN XII (persero) kebun bangelan kecamatan wonosari kabupaten malang Riyanti Isaskar SP MP

daftar Laporan Magang Kerja 2009 Sosial ekonomi FP

MK-SE-2012-24 Devi Dwi Sukmawati 0910441009 7 Desember 2012 Manajemen rantai pasok bunga potong pad PT Wahana Kharisma Flora desa tungrejo kecamatan bumiaji batu Dr Ir Abdul Wahib Muhaimin Kris Dwi Nugroho
MK-SE-2012-25 Neneng Mardiyanti 0910440151 7 Desember 2012 Segmentasi pasar dan bauran pemasaran cokelat VICCO produksi pusat penelitian kopi dan kakao (studi kasus Pusat penelitian kopi dan kakao indonesia ) Wisnu Ari Gutama SP MMA Dr Sri Mulato

Daftar Laporan Magang Kerja Angkatan 2009 Sosial Ekonomi FP


MK-SE-2012-18 Himawan 0910440093 6 Desember 2012 Manajemen pemasaran komoditas ape (malus sylvestris Mill) di kebun Benih Hortikultura nongkojajar  UPT Pengembangan Benih Hortikultura Pasuruan Silvana Maulidah SP MP
MK-SE-2012-19 Mega Narulita P P 0910440128 6 Desember 2012 Manajemen pasca panen kopi robusta pada PTPN XII(Persero) Gunung Gumitir Jember Dwi Retno Andriani SP MP
MK-SE-2012-20 Rista Nella Wahyuni 0910440309 6 Desember 2012 Penerapan bauran pemasaran buah melon pada paket wisata mekarsari Prof Dr Ir Nuhfil Hanani MS
MK-SE-2012-21 Chalimatus Sa’diyah 0910440040 6 Desember 2012 Pengawasan dalam menentukan kualitas produkdi the hitam pada perkebunan surangga PT Perkasa Nusaguna, sukabumi Retno Andriani SP MP
MK-SE-2012-22 Irega Enggarini Pradika 0910440108 6 Desember 2012 Perencanaan kapasitas produkdi pada agroindustri sari apel (Malus syvestriss) di PT Kusuma satria dinasasri wisata jaya kota batu jawa timur Wisnu Ari Gutama SP MMA
MK-SE-2012-23 Adi Suryo Setyo Kumolo 0910440006 6 Desember 2012 Manajemen sumberdaya manusia di PT Wahana Kharisma Flora dusun junggo desa tulungrejo kecamatan bumi aji kota batu Silvana Maulidah SP MP



Herbaceous Perennials FA. Giles 1980

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 17 H Herbaceous Perennials   FA. Giles     1980 Ada