
Skripsi Dewi Masitoh ” Analisis kekuatan merek benih sayuran dan pengaruhnya terhadap keputusan pembelian ulang( studi kasus benih merek bintang asia di desa ketawang kecamatan gondanglegi kabupaten malang ”

SKR-FP-Sosek -2012-124 Dewi Masitoh 0810440204 Analisis kekuatan merek benih sayuran dan pengaruhnya terhadap keputusan pembelian ulang( studi kasus benih merek bintang asia di desa ketawang kecamatan gondanglegi kabupaten malang Agribisnis Prof Dr Ir M Muslich Mustajab MSc Wisnu Ari Gutama SP MMA



Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa ” M .Andif H-115040100111078″

Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa ” M .Andif H-115040100111078″

harap segera di ambil di ruang baca Fakultas Pertanian UB

Gedung Baru Lantai 4



Skripsi Agribisnis” Analisis produktivitas tenaga kerja pemetikan the di PT Candi Loka(Agro wisata kebun the jamus) kecamatan sine kabupaten ngawi “


SKR-FP-Sosek -2012-123klik :


Lingga Arya P 0810440095 Analisis produktivitas tenaga kerja pemetikan the di PT Candi Loka(Agro wisata kebun the jamus) kecamatan sine kabupaten ngawi Agribisnis Prof Dr Ir Budi Setiawan MS Dr Ir Suhartini MP







Panen Padi Perdana dengan Sistem SRI

“SRI sangat cocok diterapkan pada sector pertanian guna menunjang swasembada pangan “

Bali Update
Oleh : Humas
28 – Nov – 2012 11:21:13


panen padi perdana dengan pola SRI di subak
Gianyar (beritadewata.com) – Terapkan pola tanam dengan System
of Rice Intensification (SRI) Petani Subak Penginyahan, Desa Puhu
Payangan berhasil tingkatkan hasil panen padi hingga 33% atau 3,05 Ton/Ha.
Hal tersebut disampaikan Pekaseh Subak Penginyahan, I Wayan Wirnada dalam acara panen padi perdana dengan pola SRI di subak setempat (19/11).
Wirnada menjelaskan pola tanam tradisional yang dijalankan 72 orang anggota subaknya hanya mampu menghasilkan 6,2 Ton/Ha, sedangkan dengan pola SRI kini rata-rata dihasilkan 9,25 Ton/Ha. Melalui SRI petani diajarkan teknik budidaya sistem bibit muda dengan umur tanam bibit 13 hari serta sistem tunggal sehingga dihasilkan 40 – 45 anakan padi per rumpun. Wirnada mengakui dirinya belum puas diri karena sepengetahuannya di daerah lain pola SRI telah mampu menghasilkan panen hingga 12 ton/Ha. Pekaseh Penginyahan juga mengharapkan bimbingan dan dukungan pemerintah Kabupaten Gianyar dalam usaha meningkatkan sector pertanian.
Kepala Dinas Pertanian dan Kehutanan Kabupaten Gianyar, Ir. I Gusti Ayu Dewi Hariani,M.Si mengatakan pola tanam SRI merupakan teknik penanaman padi yang telah terbukti melalui penelitian mampu meningkatkan hasil panen padi secara signifikan. Melalui SRI petani dapat mengefisienkan jumlah bibit yaitu 7 kg gabah/ Ha  dari sebelumnya sebanyak 20 kg/ Ha. Penggunaan air juga lebih sedikit dengan sistem putus sehingga petani tidak perlu lagi mengairi bibit dengan banyak air seperti pertanian konvensional. Sistem penanaman jajar legowo (jarwo) dengan jarak tanam lebih lebar juga memungkinkan padi memiliki akar lebih rimbun. Pola SRI juga mewajibkan petani untuk menggunakan pupuk organic sebagai penyeimbang pupuk anorganik. Pada tahun 2012 sebanyak 300 Ha sawah telah diterapkan SRI sehingga total dari 2009 telah terdapat 497 Ha sawah dengan pola SRI di Kabupaten Gianyar.
Bupati Gianyar, Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati disela kegiatan panen sangat mengapresiasi teknik SRI yang terbukti mampu meningkatkan hasil panen petani Subak Penginyahan. Namun Cok Ace mengajak petani untuk terus berupaya bersama pemerintah meningkatkan hasil pertanian hingga mencapai 12 ton/ Ha. Pemerintah melalui program pengembangan wilayah sangat konsen dalam memajukan pertanian di daerah Gianyar utara. Dengan mengatasi berbagai permasalahan yang dihadapi petani diharapkan sector pertanian dapat tumbuh seiring perkembangan pariwisata. SRI sangat cocok diterapkan pada sector pertanian guna menunjang swasembada pangan yang telah diraih Kabupaten Gianyar serta menjadi solusi dibalik semakin menyempitnya lahan sawah, tutup Cok Ace. (Humas Gianyar)

The Future of Quality

Klik : the future of quality

Looking back twenty-one years when the Georgia Postharvest Team started
its work that help lead to these conferences, much has changed. In the world of fruit
and vegetable quality the most significant changes have been the introduction of
fresh-cut products with many more pre-packaged items, the promise and lack of
adoption of irradiation and GMOs in the marketplace, and a much more consumerdriven
market. We predict that the next 10-20 years will see less total consumption
of fresh fruits and vegetables with less emphasis on fresh and natural products, less
emphasis on extended shelf life and low prices, fewer bulk items, and less interest in
postharvest physiology and low-cost crop production. During the time there will be a
similar emphasis on convenience of fruit and vegetable products and Purchase
Quality. We also expect to see more emphasis on Quality of the products,
particularly Consumption Quality and Value, with more local production and
technological innovations to deliver fuller flavour, and research emphasising
preharvest factors in postharvest quality as well as sustainable production to lessen
undesirable impact to the environment.
If this series of conferences retains its triennial cycle, it will be interesting to
review these predictions at the 2012 and 2021 conferences, possibly back here in
Wageningen. We suspect that some of these predictions will be on target while
others miss the mark completely. What is important is that we learn from the past,
realise that extrapolating into the future solely from present circumstances is almost
always inaccurate, and that flexibility to changing circumstances is a hallmark of



Journal ” The Challenge of Connecting Pre-Harvest and Post-Harvest Sector Concepts of Quality in Food Production ”

klik : the challenge of connecting pre harvest and post harvest sector conseps of quality in food production

The Challenge of Connecting Pre-Harvest and Post-Harvest Sector
Concepts of Quality in Food Production

The potential role of generic models and associate concepts for enhancing
knowledge transfer in produce supply chains is discussed. We suggest that the use of
generic models, and an associated positive attitude towards understanding and
accounting for biological variance in produce, will have real benefits to the
development of supply chains with a more integrated view of quality and the
dynamics of quality over time.



PENGARUH PUPUK HAYATI PETROBIO DAN PUPUK N, P, K PADA PERTUMBUHAN AWAL TANAMAN JARAK PAGAR (Jatropha curcas L.), Analisis Sosial Ekonomi Tanamn Jarak Pagar (Jatropho Curcas L) ( Kasus di Kab. Blitar )

Skripsi Budidaya Pertanian


ON GROWTH OF PHYSIC NUT (Jatropha curcas L.)




Skripsi Sosial Ekonomi

Analisis Sosial Ekonomi Tanamn Jarak Pagar  (Jatropho Curcas L) ( Kasus di Kab. Blitar )





Journal ” Supply Chains in New and Emerging Fruit Industries: the Management of Quality as a Strategic Tool ”

Klik :  supply chanins in new and emerging fruit industris ,the management of quality as strategis tool

Keywords: new industries, supply chain management, quality, intervention,
The literature on new and emerging industries in horticulture is dominated
by studies of the fit between new species and their environment. Very little attention
has been paid to how a successfully adapted new species may lead to a successful
new industry. In practice, it is the marketplace that converts new products into
income, so adaptability and marketability both drive success in new industries.
However, studies that integrate both these drivers in a systems view of how a new
industry emerges are rare.
Recently, supply chain management has emerged as a conceptual framework
for describing and analysing the complex system that links the production of food
and fibre products to their consumption. It is a framework that captures the
logistical, economic, marketing, technical, information and human resource
elements of the production-to-consumption chain.
The relatively few studies of success and failure in new agricultural industries
point to three conditions associated with failure: poor orientation to the market;
lack of reliable information; and lack of collective behaviour among industry
participants. It is possible to address each of these issues using a supply chain
management framework, so it is reasonable to question whether adopting such a
framework would give a new horticultural industry an improved chance of success.
This paper draws from research over the last eleven years with three new
horticultural industries in Australia: sweet persimmons, bamboo and native flowers.
It demonstrates how supply chain management principles have provided a strategic
framework for a core group to focus collaboratively on its marketing, production
and information systems. Paramount to the approach is the need to achieve quality
across all the activities of the core group – not just product quality as perceived by
the consumer. Results indicate that attention to quality not only satisfies consumers,
but it also builds trusting relationships among chain partners. Trusting relationships
bind the members of the chain, particularly when facing difficult decisions. As a
result of this research, each of these three new industry groups is developing a
competitive strategy based around their own high quality ‘hand crafted’ supply




Journal ” Selection of ‘Springbright’ Nectarines by Time-Resolved Reflectance Spectroscopy (TRS) to Predict Fruit Quality in the Marketing Chain “

Klik : selection of springbright nectarines bya time resolved reflectance spectrocopy (TRS) to predict fruit quality in the marketing chain

Keywords: Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, fruit maturity, firmness, sensory analysis, non
linear regression, modelling
Maturity of peaches and nectarines at harvest determines fruit quality: less
mature fruit are easy to handle, but lack flavour, while mature picked peaches and
nectarines have better flavour, but soften quickly. In the new cultivars the red
overcolour develops early preventing the background colour, which is a good
harvesting index, from being seen. Time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy (TRS) is
a non-destructive method for optical characterisation of highly diffusive media. Aim
of the work was to check the usefulness of the absorption coefficient μa measured at
670 nm (μa670) to assess nectarine maturity at harvest in order to predict quality
during shelf life. Springbright nectarines of two sizes were picked on 18 July 2002.
140 fruits of each size were ranked by decreasing μa670 (from less mature to more
mature). Fruit were stored at 0°C for 3 days, then at 20°C for 2 or 3 days. To ensure
that fruit from the whole range of μa670 were available in each sample, ranked
nectarines were randomly assigned to analysis at harvest (mass; skin colour;
firmness; soluble solids) and during shelf life (skin colour; firmness; soluble solids;
acidity; % juice; sensory analysis). At harvest, fruit mass was lower and firmness
was higher in fruit with higher μa670. Soluble solids depended only on fruit size.
During shelf life, with lower μa670 at harvest, the % juice was higher and fruit pulp
softened earlier. At sensory analysis, fruit with lower μa670 were significantly less
firm and more juicy, sweet, pulpy and aromatic. Non linear regression analysis
showed that softening during shelf life followed a logistic model in function of μa670
at harvest and of time at 20°C (R2=0.85). By selecting at harvest nectarines
according to their μa670 value, the softening rate can be predicted and the fruit for
the different marketing destinations can therefore correctly be identified.

